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The Pros and Cons of Working From Home

The Pros and Cons of Working From Home - Beflo

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies had to adjust the way they operated by allowing their employees to work remotely. This shift to remote working has opened up new opportunities for remote workers seeking remote jobs. Even now after the pandemic, working remotely has become a popular option for employees in addition to the traditional workplace. Some companies offer job opportunities that allow individuals to work from home.

While working from home may seem ideal for most remote workers and remote employees given its convenience, it isn’t always the best option for everyone. Remote jobs can offer flexibility, but some individuals may still prefer a physical workplace. There are definitely benefits and drawbacks to working from home for remote workers and remote employees.

You need to personally decide if the benefits of the workplace outweigh the job requirements for your style of working and the needs of your employees. According to Forbes and a research study done by Ladders, data scientists insist that remote work is here to stay for job workers and employees in their home office.

According to their projections, 25% of all professional jobs in North America will be remote by the end of 2022, and flexible work opportunities in the home office environment will continue to increase through 2023, benefiting employees. If you have the opportunity to join a virtual staff and experience the benefits of remote working and flexible work, weighing the pros and cons of this work environment is crucial. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of benefits and disadvantages of working from home for office workers.

Advantages of Working from Home

No Commute Time or Expense

For employees who live in larger cities, commuting to the office not only takes a lot of extra time but also incurs higher expenses due to increasing gasoline prices. This can impact job satisfaction and benefits. Working remotely from your home office offers benefits such as saving money on gasoline and reducing wear and tear on your vehicle if you have a job that requires commuting. Depending on the distance that remote employees must travel, every little bit of time spent commuting adds up. By avoiding driving altogether and embracing remote work, employees can potentially save a lot of time for deep work.

More Flexibility to Take Care of Appointments and Errands

Sometimes one of the most difficult things about a 9-5 office desk job is working around personal schedules, especially if you are a parent. This is especially true for remote employees. When you work remotely, there is more flexibility for appointments and unforeseen tasks that may arise, allowing remote employees to manage their time effectively. However, keep in mind that productivity, meeting deadlines, and ensuring deep work are also important priorities for remote employees to manage their time effectively.

Having the flexibility of remote work can ease your employees' minds if they do need to step away from work for a certain time.

You Can Get More Work Done

A person types at a computer at the Tenon desk

Working in an office can pose difficulty for remote employees, as there can often be more distractions and less time for focus. Sometimes interruptions are in the form of colleagues, meetings, or employees working remotely, or boss hovering, which can disrupt deep work. If you have worked in an office setting, you know exactly what a challenge it can be for employees to focus and complete tasks on time with work distractions.

This is especially true for remote workers. Depending on your work style, working remotely from home can help minimize distractions and increase productivity for remote employees. With the flexibility of working from home, remote employees have the advantage of managing their time effectively.

As employees, it's crucial to recognize the external factors that motivate and keep you on track, especially when it comes to remote work. Taking into account these factors will help you be the best you can be and make the most of your time.

Fewer Interruptions From Meetings or Employee Chatter

Building off the last advantage, remote employees can save time and avoid distractions, especially on a Monday when colleagues want to talk about what happened during their weekend away from work. Never ending interruptions from meetings or employee chatter can become very frustrating and distracting for remote work employees, taking away valuable time. It is a bit easier for remote work employees to sit and focus on their tasks in the comfort of their own home office, saving time. Fewer interruptions result in accomplishing more and increased productivity.

Save Money on Work Wardrobe

In addition to saving time and money on commuting expenses, remote employees can also save money on their work wardrobe. Depending on the required dress of your remote company, having to purchase clothing for work can be quickly replaced by working at home in more casual clothes. This saves you time and money.

Ability to Create Your Own Workspace

A Tenon desk by Beflo with attached flow kit accessories

Having your own workspace is important for a variety of reasons, but most importantly, to keep you focused and comfortable while being productive. If you aren’t comfortable, it is hard to remain focused on the task at hand. Beflo’s signature product is the Tenon, a luxury and smart sit down/stand up desk, alongside a full suite supporting accessories designed to make your life easier. Our products are perfect for tech-forward professionals who work from home and value maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as a beautiful and modern home.

Disadvantages of Working from Home

Lack of Adult Interaction

Even though you may have more time working remotely from home with your family, connecting with other adults in the context of remote work can be something that you are longing for and something we all need. If you are not close with your co-workers or if they aren’t your cup of tea, then working from home could be the better option. However, as human beings, we need that human interaction, especially when working remotely. So, it is important to make sure that we prioritize those additional outings even if it is to go out for a coffee or lunch break during remote work.

Being Unable to Unplug

Overhead view of a Tenon desk

When you commute to an office, you are definitely getting a break between work and home. This allows you to take a mental break from any tech devices and to refresh your mind before getting down to remote work business. When you work from home, it can seem like you are constantly plugged in and that can get overwhelming and create burnout.

No Definite Start or Ending Work Time

Working from home can often take a toll if you don’t set time limits. Many who work from home find themselves working long hours, simply because they set no start or end times. When you do not set these limits, you may feel as if you are always working. This can lead to burnout or a decrease in productivity, especially when it comes to remote work.

You Have to be More Self-Motivating

A woman sits at a Tenon desk by Beflo

If you are the type of person who thrives under remote work management, it may be difficult for you to self-motivate while you are at home. If you are the type of person who needs a boss to give you that extra push, working from home might not be the answer. Underperformance can become a huge concern, but if you are a work from home employee, motivating yourself to get the job done is necessary. Time management is one of the biggest struggles many people cite when working from home. It is important to make time management a priority if you do decide that working from home is a better option for you.

Less Change of Scenery

When you work from home, there is usually just one view… your home office. Remote work can get tiring and exhausting if you are constantly sitting in the same place day in and day out. If you do not take the time to move from the same spot while working remotely, the lack of change of scenery can create cabin fever and decrease motivation for remote work. If you must work from home, try scheduling lunch meetings, breaks or other meetings during the day (away from home) to ensure that you get out of the house to break up the monotony.

Family Distraction

A woman works at a Beflo Tenon desk while her child looks on (closeup view)

Many remote workers are distracted by children (especially small children) when they work remotely. It is important to remind your family that even though you have the privilege of working from home that you do need that time to focus on working. Communicate with your family and let them know when you are working and when you are taking breaks. When they understand that you are unavailable to work, then it can make it a little easier to focus on your tasks. If you create a work friendly environment where you can shut the door and focus on work, it will make working from home easier.

Upgrade Your Work From Home Setup with Beflo

Working from home has its pros and cons. Depending on how you work best and how productive you can be for the company you work for should determine whether working from home is the best option for you. If you choose the work from home route, having the proper space for work mode is important. Being comfortable and sitting ergonomically correctly when working helps alleviate some of that unnecessary stress on your body physically. When you upgrade your work from home setup with Beflo you are guaranteed the following benefits:

  • Adaptive Comfort - Ergonomic design that works for your home, environment, style, posture and needs
  • Holistic Wellbeing - Promote holistic wellbeing through multi-sensorial stimulation for better health, better mood and enjoyment of all senses
  • Ultimate Ease - Accommodating experiences that work for customers, not against them, so they can focus on what matters
  • Lasting Innovation - Durable solutions that stand the test of time, with regular innovations all in the sake of improving customer’s lives

These are all important benefits when setting up your work from home space. Check out Beflo’s full collection of products designed to upgrade your work from home life including the Pebble Pro portable laptop docking station, the Obsidian aroma diffuser, the Mica wireless charger and much more.

In conclusion, since the pandemic changed the way that the world has worked, we have learned that it isn’t for everyone. Working from home can be a blessing and a curse, but ultimately you need to decide what is best for you and the company you work for. This can be determined by weighing the pros and cons when making that decision.

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