The Beflo Journal

Zeigarnik effect

Why Unfinished Tasks Haunt Us

Ever had an unfinished task nagging at the back of your mind, stealing focus even when you're trying to relax? Maybe ... more

The Power of Tiny Changes

The Power of Tiny Changes

Tiny changes may seem insignificant at first glance, but their cumulative effect over time can be profound. Think o... more

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification involves applying elements from game design—such as point scoring, leaderboards, and rewards—to non-gam... more

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The modern workplace is a prime example of where the paradox of choice plays out. From the tools we use, the method... more

Phone free zones

The Magic of Phone-Free Zones

The concept of phone-free zones might sound like a throwback to a simpler time. But the benefits of unplugging are p... more

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions after a long session of decision-making. It's a ... more

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions after a long session of decision-making. It's a ... more

Phone free zones

The Magic of Phone-Free Zones

The concept of phone-free zones might sound like a throwback to a simpler time. But the benefits of unplugging are p... more

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The modern workplace is a prime example of where the paradox of choice plays out. From the tools we use, the method... more

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification involves applying elements from game design—such as point scoring, leaderboards, and rewards—to non-gam... more

The Power of Tiny Changes

The Power of Tiny Changes

Tiny changes may seem insignificant at first glance, but their cumulative effect over time can be profound. Think o... more

Zeigarnik effect

Why Unfinished Tasks Haunt Us

Ever had an unfinished task nagging at the back of your mind, stealing focus even when you're trying to relax? Maybe ... more

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions after a long session of decision-making. It's a ... more

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification involves applying elements from game design—such as point scoring, leaderboards, and rewards—to non-gam... more

Phone free zones

The Magic of Phone-Free Zones

The concept of phone-free zones might sound like a throwback to a simpler time. But the benefits of unplugging are p... more

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The modern workplace is a prime example of where the paradox of choice plays out. From the tools we use, the method... more

The Power of Tiny Changes

The Power of Tiny Changes

Tiny changes may seem insignificant at first glance, but their cumulative effect over time can be profound. Think o... more

Zeigarnik effect

Why Unfinished Tasks Haunt Us

Ever had an unfinished task nagging at the back of your mind, stealing focus even when you're trying to relax? Maybe ... more

Zeigarnik effect

Why Unfinished Tasks Haunt Us

Ever had an unfinished task nagging at the back of your mind, stealing focus even when you're trying to relax? Maybe ... more

The Power of Tiny Changes

The Power of Tiny Changes

Tiny changes may seem insignificant at first glance, but their cumulative effect over time can be profound. Think o... more

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The Modern Dilemma of Endless Options

The modern workplace is a prime example of where the paradox of choice plays out. From the tools we use, the method... more

Phone free zones

The Magic of Phone-Free Zones

The concept of phone-free zones might sound like a throwback to a simpler time. But the benefits of unplugging are p... more

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification of Work: Making Productivity Fun

Gamification involves applying elements from game design—such as point scoring, leaderboards, and rewards—to non-gam... more

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision Fatigue: How it Affects Us

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions after a long session of decision-making. It's a ... more