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Are Standing Desks Good For You? Exploring the Benefits

Are Standing Desks Good For You? Exploring the Benefits - Beflo

It wasn't long ago when people didn't think twice about sitting for eight consecutive hours at a standing desk in a cramped office cubicle, leading to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive sedentary time. Work culture for office workers is quickly changing thanks to the work from home (WFH) revolution spawned by the pandemic and improvements in telecommunication technology.

This shift has implications for office furniture, job dynamics, and the well-being of employees. More office workers are now working at home or in shared workspaces than ever before. It is important for these individuals to consider using a standing desk and maintaining proper ergonomics while working on their computer. 

In particular, people are second guessing the supposed prudence of diligently sitting at a computer desk in place while typing and clicking for eight to ten hours per day. Many are now opting for a standing desk to combat the negative effects of long periods of sitting on their posture. 

The era of standing desks has arrived with much fanfare, offering a solution to the negative effects of poor posture from sitting for long hours. Here’s a quick look at the benefits of standing desks for good posture and sitting study time as we answer the commonly asked question of, “are standing desks good for you?”

Health Benefits of Standing Desks

Standing at desk

Standing desks make working less physically and mentally taxing. Add a standing desk to your home workspace, traditional office, cubicle or shared workspace, alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day and you’ll agree it is a change for the better. In particular, standing desks are growing in popularity as they improve physical health while working from home as described below.

Reduced Risk of Obesity

It is estimated that within the next decade, half the population may qualify as obese. The height of obesity rates is expected to increase over time. As technology improves, people are spending more time sitting and less time standing. This sedentary lifestyle may lead to isolation. Sedentary individuals who spend most of their time sitting may be more likely to become obese. This is because they are idle for the majority of the day, without utilizing a standing desk. Work has quickly shifted from hard physical labor to mental labor performed while sitting in an office chair. However, the rise of the standing desk has provided an alternative to prolonged sitting, allowing for a healthier working position and adjustable height options. Add a standing desk to your workspace and you’ll boost blood flow, think more clearly and ultimately be healthier. Sitting for long periods of time at a standard desk can negatively affect your overall health and height. 

Standing throughout the day improves posture and prevents blood clots from forming, while sitting for extended periods of time can lead to poor posture and increased risk of blood clots. Additionally, standing helps to stretch the back and loosen the legs, which can be beneficial for overall health and well-being. It is important to find a balance between sitting and standing, as excessive sitting or standing can have negative effects on the body. Adjusting the height of your workstation can help promote proper posture and reduce strain on the body. Add up the benefits of sitting and standing at a desk, and you'll find that using a standing desk is significantly greater than just sitting. Standing desks help people who work from home remain fit, healthy, and happy by reducing the amount of time spent sitting. 

The bottom line is that working while sitting or standing ultimately makes it easier for the body to burn calories and prevent obesity. An added bonus of implementing standing desk exercises, such as marching in place, is that they help burn calories that would have otherwise been unburnt while sitting. Reduce your risk of the health complications  that come from working in a seated position with the Tenon sit-stand desk, available from the home office specialists at Beflo.

Improvement in Posture

Good posture at desk

The average home office worker spends eight hours per day sitting hunched over a desk, typing and clicking away while staring into a screen, without much time spent standing. The end result of excessive sitting is a compromised posture characterized by an unnatural curvature of the spine, lumbar back pain, and a general drooping into an almost hunchback-like form. This can be alleviated by using a standing desk. You can reduce the pressure on your spine by incorporating a standing desk into your workspace.

Stand straight at your standing desk while working and you’ll reduce spine stress to the point that you feel less pain, improve your flexibility, and return your posture to normal or close to it. Alternate between standing and sitting and you’ll find you feel better while working that much more efficiently. The addition of a sit-stand desk is a can’t-lose scenario for all home office workers who want to incorporate more standing into their work routine.

Decreased Lower Back Pain

Standing desk users unanimously agree that the shift to a sit-stand desk significantly improves the lumbar portion of the back. The lumbar is the lower section of the back that feels scrunched after hours of sitting still during the workday. A standing desk can help alleviate this discomfort. The solution is to opt for a sit-stand Tenon Desk to reduce back pain caused by standing for long periods of time. 

Alternating between sitting and standing reduces pressure on the lower back, minimizes strain and prevents a potentially worse health outcome than mere lumbar pain. As those who have undergone back surgical procedures are quick to testify, a single standing desk surgery often does not suffice. Plenty of those who use a standing desk to alleviate back pain end up right back on the surgical table years or decades later for a second or even third surgery. You can bypass such a nightmare scenario by opting to use a standing desk while working for improved posture, spine pain relief, and better blood flow that benefits the entirety of the body.

Increased Energy Levels

You'll work that much more efficiently if you are energized at your standing desk. Segue to a standing stand-sit desk that promotes proper blood flow, and your mind and body will benefit from it. Standing while working or even doing exercises in place such as marching improves circulation, sending oxygen to the brain to bolster energy as well as attentiveness. 

An engaged brain ultimately heightens energy essential for working with efficiency, especially when using a standing desk. Furthermore, using a standing desk enhances blood flow, which transmits oxygen to the muscles. This empowers you to move more freely and with increased strength.

Productivity Benefits of Standing Desks

Productivity at standing desk

The benefits of standing desks include health improvements as well as a productivity increase. Your worth as an employee or independent contractor is primarily determined by your productivity, and one way to boost productivity is by using a standing desk. Standing or sitting in place without producing value for your business or clients will ultimately result in a demotion or termination. 

Choose the Tenon Standing Desk for your home office and watch your productivity skyrocket. Here’s why.

Increased Focus and Energy

The quality and quantity of your work are shaped by your ability to focus and remain energized, especially when using a standing desk. A Tenon sit-stand desk boosts standing, focus, energy and mood while preventing fatigue. This is the energy you need to remain laser-focused on work at your standing desk, exceed expectations, earn a promotion or gain new clients. 

Opt to spend part of your workday standing with a sit-stand desk, and the ensuing increase in blood flow along with improved circulation will make you feel more alert. March in place, stretch, or engage in other minor movements at your standing desk and you'll improve your engagement with work. 

Foster Your Creativity

Sketching at stand desk

Sit-stand desks really do reaffirm the adage of thinking on your feet as standing and moving catalyzes the brain cell creation necessary for critical thinking. Enhanced brain activity also contributes to your creative abilities. 

Reduced Stress

If you are like most people, you are stressed. People diligently work 8-10 hours a day at their standing desk to satisfy client demands, live up to the boss’s expectations, and put food on the table for their loved ones. Reduce your stress with a standing sit-stand desk and you’ll enjoy renewed motivation that propels you to new heights in your personal and professional life. 

A sit-stand desk enhances energy, mood, and overall well-being, ultimately helping you live and work without overwhelming stress. Standing at a sit-stand desk can improve your posture and reduce the negative effects of prolonged sitting on your health. Implement a sit-stand work schedule in which you rotate between sitting and standing and you’ll find your stress levels significantly decrease as tension within the body and mind fade away.

A Better Mood

The mental health benefits of sit-stand desks, particularly when it comes to standing, cannot be overstated. Compare a workday in which you sit for eight hours to a workday in which you alternate between sitting and standing and you’ll find the mental health benefits of a sit-stand approach outweigh those of the sedentary approach. 

The bottom line is that sitting for eight hours per day compromises the mind and the spirit to the point that it sours one’s mood. Adding a standing desk to your workspace can help alleviate these negative effects. Sit-stand desks improve personal psychology by enhancing energy levels and mood for productive benefit. The act of standing while working has been proven to have positive effects on overall well-being.

Factors to Consider When Switching to a Standing Desk

Raised stand desk

Take a moment to reflect on your unique work style with a standing desk. Reflect on what, exactly, makes you successful when working under pressure at your standing desk. Your idiosyncratic work style, comfort level, ergonomic preferences, and budget all matter in the context of creating a home office conducive to work productivity, especially when considering a standing desk. 

The Beflo Tenon Premium Desk is built with home offices in mind. This affordable sit-stand desk is comfortable, ergonomic, easy to use and stands the test of time. Implement the right accessories into your Beflo home office desk and you’ll find it is that much easier to fulfill your potential while working from home. Beflo’s home office products combined with a Tenon sit-stand desk ultimately make the most of home office spaces that are limited in size.

Explore Standing Desks with Beflo

Now that we’ve answered the question of “Are standing desks good for you?”, it is time to take action. You owe it to yourself to try a sit-stand desk in your standing home office, traditional standing office, or standing coworking space. 

Give the Beflo Tenon Desk a chance for a workweek, compare your productivity, physical health and mental health to your state of mind and being prior to the transition and you’ll agree standing desks are the wave of the future. The benefits of standing desk translate to enhanced productivity that ultimately yields an improved work output that outweighs the nominal cost.

Check out the affordable Beflo Tenon Standing Desk for yourself online along with the rest of our home office product accessories. From portable laptop docking stations to laptop holders designed for sit-stand desks, modesty panels, under desk accessory mounts, pegboards and wireless chargers, we've got all the home office essentials you need to thrive in this brave new era of work.

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