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How to Stay Off the Phone While Working

How to stay off your phone while working

Staying off your phone while working can be a real challenge.

Whether it's the constant stream of notifications, the lure of social media, or simply the habit of checking messages, our phones can be a significant distraction.

Here are some practical tips to help you stay focused and minimize non-essential phone usage during work hours.

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Establish Phone-Free Times: Designate specific times of the day as phone-free periods, except for essential calls. This can help create uninterrupted blocks of focused work time. For instance, you might choose the first hour of the workday or the period right after lunch for intensive focus.

Scheduled Check-Ins: Allocate specific times during the day for checking messages and social media. For example, you can check your phone during lunch breaks or every two hours. This helps to limit interruptions and allows you to stay connected without constant distractions.

2. Utilize Technology Wisely

Do Not Disturb Mode: Use your phone's "Do Not Disturb" mode to silence non-essential notifications during work hours. Customize settings to allow calls from important contacts, ensuring you don’t miss critical communications.

Productivity Apps: There are various apps designed to help you stay focused by blocking distracting apps and websites. Apps like Forest, StayFocusd, and Freedom can be incredibly useful in maintaining your concentration. Additionally, consider using app limit settings on your phone to restrict time spent on non-work-related apps.

3. Optimize Your Work Environment

Create a Distraction-Free Workspace: Ensure your workspace is conducive to productivity. This includes minimizing clutter, organizing your desk, and creating a comfortable environment that encourages focus.

Ergonomic Setup: An ergonomic setup can enhance your comfort and reduce the need to move around frequently, which can sometimes lead to phone usage. Consider investing in ergonomic furniture like beflo's premium standing desk, Tenon, to create an efficient and comfortable workspace.

4. Cultivate Mindful Habits

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or short mindfulness exercises can improve your ability to stay focused and reduce the impulse to check your phone.

Set Clear Goals: Start each day by setting clear goals and priorities. Knowing what you need to accomplish can help you stay on track and reduce the likelihood of distractions.

5. Leverage Digital Tools

Use Productivity Software: Utilize digital productivity tools like task managers, calendars, and project management software to organize your tasks and stay on top of your work. Tools like Trello, Asana, and Todoist can help keep you focused and reduce the temptation to check your phone.

Browser Extensions: Install browser extensions that block distracting websites during work hours. Extensions like StayFocusd and Freedom can prevent you from visiting social media or other time-wasting sites, helping you stay on task.

6. Create Barriers to Non-Essential Phone Use

Turn Off Non-Essential Notifications: Disable notifications for non-essential apps to reduce interruptions. This simple step can significantly decrease the urge to check your phone frequently.

Move Apps Around: Rearrange your home screen to hide distracting apps in folders or on secondary screens. The extra effort needed to access these apps can help deter mindless scrolling.

Set a Long Password: Using a long and complex password instead of fingerprint or face recognition can make it more tedious to unlock your phone, helping to curb impulsive checks.

Use a Grayscale Screen: Setting your phone to grayscale can make it less visually appealing and reduce the urge to use it for non-work activities.

7. Leverage External Accountability

Use Time-Lapse Videos: You can use your phone to record a time-lapse video of your workday. This not only keeps the phone occupied but also provides a visual record of productivity. Plus being able to rewatch yourself like this ads a fun factor to the work itself.

Join a Virtual Co-Working Space: Joining a virtual co-working space can create a sense of accountability, as you work alongside others virtually, which can reduce the temptation to use your phone.

8. Communicate with Colleagues

Set Expectations: Communicate your phone usage boundaries with colleagues and let them know the best ways to reach you during work hours. This can help manage expectations and reduce unnecessary phone interruptions.

Use Alternative Communication Channels: Encourage the use of alternative communication channels such as email or project management tools for non-urgent matters. This can help minimize the need for frequent phone check-ins while ensuring important communications are not missed.


Staying off your phone while working is crucial for maintaining productivity and focus. By setting clear boundaries, optimizing your work environment, cultivating mindful habits, and leveraging digital tools, you can significantly reduce phone distractions while remaining accessible for essential calls. Implement these tips and experience the benefits of a more focused and productive workday.

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